WWW: Your blog contains some excellent work that shows what a good start you’ve made to A Level Media. Your contributions in lessons have shown this too. Your choice of text for the advert analysis is absolutely fascinating and a really relevant media issue in the USA (gun violence and control). I’m pleased to see also that your media consumption of TV and film is pretty extensive – this will help
you aim for the top grades.
EBI: I’ve picked up a few things to work on. Firstly, your analysis of the 50 Cent RBK advert is good
with some interesting insights but despite the excellent choice of text your second analysis is very
short. You need to be writing in sufficient depth and detail to access the highest grades – that means
picking out 2/3 aspects and really exploring their impact on an audience in detail. The other aspect
to work on would be brand values – based on your latest piece of work, have another look at brand
values and how they summarise an organisation. For example, surely Coca Cola wouldn’t summarise
their brand with the word ‘sugar’?
LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is
your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
In my opinion, I think that my best piece of work was the second picture in the Reebok advert. This is because I went into a lot of detail with it and compared the two people in that advert well. For example, I said why is a little girl allowed to hold a gun but at the same time, why can't they read a book. Also, I justified my point too so this is why I believe is my best piece of work. However, I need to add another paragraph about if it's a dominant reading or preferred etc.
On the other hand, the piece that I think isn't that brilliant is the recent one I did about choosing the 5 different brand values. I think this because I didn't link any of the ideas with each other and when I talked about all the different lines of appeal, I didn't really explain it properly; I just stated it and left it as that. So, my aim would be to go back to that piece of work and explain the line of appeals a little bit more and change the 'one words' which represented what the companies stand for.
In the rest of the course I would like to learn a lot of things. However, the first thing I would like to do is get to know everything about GCSE Media, e.g. learn all the different types of key words and how to put the into context. This is because I never did GCSE Media because my initial A Level choice was A Level Photography and this was a back up and therefore, I need more practise in terms of learning all the different key words, e.g. what enigma code means etc.
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