Sunday, 7 February 2016

Ill Manors broadcast: music video analysis

Media Forms

In the video, this has been portrayed as a typical music video through the usage of fast camera movements and having that handheld moving camera effect too. This is shown in more of a modern music video as many different artists who make a music video would use this effect because the fast movements can be related to how fast the music, itself, is actually going. If it was fast, the camera movement will be fast paced and if the music had a slow motion, the camera will most likely be on a tripod and will take more longer to cut to the next scene. Also, a lot of people would think this a typical rap music video instead of anything else because rappers like to get their words out more quickly than the slow, opera like singers which is another reason on why the fast movement is being used. Therefore, this is a typical music video because of the fact that everything that is happen in the video is going at a fast pace and the hand held movement which could bring the audience to the music video itself; Bringing them closer to the lyrics of the song.

Another way in which this is a typical music video is due to the fact that it would mostly show the artist of the song and he'd be the one who would sing the song in the music video. Mostly every single music video would do this because it shows the audience who the person it was that sung this song. This is done because no one knows the song better than the person who had wrote it themselves, therefore this is why this is typical.

The final reason why this is a typical music video is because of the facial expressions shown by everyone in the music video. Anger and aggression. This is typical, especially in the rap industry, because people who rap like to talk about their past and people who do, do that have not had pleasant pasts and which is why they have those angry faces on. But also, you'll get some music videos where people are angry due to the settings of where they are and the words they may be saying, e.g. swear words. Therefore, the reason why I believe that this is typical mainly due to the fact that every rap artist would use swear words which defines aggression and anger.

Media Representation

One of the ways the music video represented the London riots was across the different facial expressions and the chaos shown in the Britain by the characters. The London riots were about thousands of young teenagers and adults who would start looting because they were angry due to the government. The government didn't given anyone what they wanted which therefore relates to the expressions given by the characters in the music video because they are trying to tell the audience that this is why people started looked; they were angry with the government. In the video, it showed the bad parts of London which gets the viewers thinking about how London is being expressed and therefore, leading to the media giving negative comments about them.

Another way in which the video expressed London riots is through the different politicians and government people that were shown in the music video. The London riots all happened due to the government and how a black man was killed due to his race and how the government wouldn't do anything about it. So, in the music video Plan B would show parts of the politicians where they were getting 'bullied' by the protesters. An example is how a protester had thrown an egg at the shoulder of this one politician and then the politician retaliated back. Therefore, this relates to the riots because the riot was all because of the citizens and the government and how the citizens didn't get what they wanted, e.g. jobs which is one of the main reasons why Plan B was shooting his movie in a 'ghetto' area.

Media Audiences

In the music video, this gives the audience the pleasure of 'personal identification' but yet relates to stereotypes from the adults. In the music video, it shows a lot of younger people which gives the impression to all audiences that young people are the ones who are to blame for causing chaos in the cities etc. Some young people may be offended by this due to the fact that this doesn't relate to them but yet, many people would still class this young, innocent people as 'trouble-makers'. One the other hand, a lot of people can relate to this because of the fact that they may be apart of gangs and from a 'ghetto' neighborhood. This is stereotypical because of the fact that many people may not be like the actors in the music video but still get blamed for it, due to the fact they are young and may look like trouble.

This music video also gives the pleasure to the audience because  of the political references that have been shown in this video. Many viewers extremely like it when different members of the government and all the politicians have something bad to them. Therefore, in the music video, there were different parts where something bad happened, e.g. when one of the politicians had an egg thrown on his shoulder by a protester. This gives the audience pleasure because of the fact that a member of parliament or someone who the UK citizens don't like, had something bad happening to them and therefore, gave them the pleasure because they had gotten angry and retaliated back towards the protester which then had that possibility that the government person would have gotten into trouble which is good news for the audience.

Finally, this whole music video was made to create awareness about the young people who live in council estates and tell the audience that they are not people who they think can be lethal. Some of the audience may watch the movie and say nothing towards it due to the fact that they are a fan of Ben Drew and just like the way he writes his music. On the other hand, the other audience may watch the video and look deep into it because they believe that this has a strong meaning towards young people and may think even more negatively of the young people, which is stereotypical. This is linked to the 'Uses and Gratification' theory. The use of fast pace and it being very dramatic, brought the audience attention to the video because it seems quite enjoyable to watch as it keeps the audiences eyes glued to the screen and don't want to miss  the next scene, due to  the fact its going at a fast pace.

Media Institution

The music video helped produce the film due to the fact that the artist of the song was also the director of the movie (Plan B). This helped promote the movie because Plan B is a successful song writer and since he is, this would mean that he has a lot of fans and if those particular fans found out that 'Plan B' was planning to make a movie from a successful song of his, he would've caught those audiences attention and therefore, those audiences would be wanted to watch the movie. This was a gamble as he had never made a movie in his life but since he knew that he had a large number of fans, this would be a big factor to promoting this video as he may have through some of his social media sites. An example would be Twitter and all the fans that follow him could have spread the word around to their friends etc.

Another way it helped promote the film is through all the different synergy's that there are between the film and music video. First of all, the name of the music is the exact same name as the movie which obviously helps promote the film because the music itself was very successful. Another synergy is the characters. Some of the characters that are in the film were firstly in the music video and some of those characters a quite successful because they have also been in previous movies that are also successful. This means that those actors fans would want to watch the movie and therefore will increase the income of the movie. An example of an actor is Ed Skrein.

The final reason why the music video helps promote the movie is through e-media. Many people around the world have access to mostly every single website in the world. So, if one is able to access it, for example on YouTube, then those particular users may spread the word around which the message can then get sent to many different people around the world. In addition, on Twitter there is a 'retweet' option and if many people start to retweet the poster or any sort of reference to the movie on Twitter, then more people would be aware that this movie has or is being released and therefore, this is how the directors can start promoting this movie. Through the internet.

Record Companies

  • Warner Music group
  • Atlantic Records Group
The following are the institutions who Plan B has signed for.
  • 679 Artists
  • Mercury Records
  • Warner Bro Records 
  • Cordless Recording
Music Reviews & Sales and Download
  • The Ill Manor soundtrack was free for the consumers to download for the pre-order deluxe version of the album.
Here is an example of some of the reviews given to Ben Drew:
  •  Not since the golden years of Stock, Aitken and Waterman have we lived through a time when pop music has served such a shallow functional role – from ‘I Gotta Feeling’ pop that’s made to uplift, to ‘Someone Like You’ pop that’s made to reminisce, to the all-consuming Guetta Lolpop Mafia and their quest to make us dance. People who keep bleating that there’s no anti-Establishment sentiment in the charts any more forget that being political largely prevents you from being pop. There’s plenty of social commentary in music, but when was the last time you heard Killer Mike in the Live Lounge? We mention all this because Plan B is, or was, a pop star. His last album ‘The Defamation of Strickland Banks’ was a soulful, if slightly hammy, concept album, which made Ben Drew a commercial success. Trendy dads were his main source of income. He was sponsored by a pear cider. Above all, it was easy on the ears. ‘Ill Manors’ is anything but.


    Sam Wolfson

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