- The Facebook page of Ill Manors has 29,879 likes.
- At the top of the Facebook page, it is promoting the different ways that fans/customers can get access to watching Ill Manors (Blu-ray, DVD and On Demand).
- On of the ways that I have found out that the institution helps promote the movie on the Facebook page is by giving these little hints of using the different actors in the movie of how the actors may appear in the movie etc. Also, the Facebook pages allows the audience to go onto exclusive links which makes it more interesting for the audience as they get to know a little bit more about the inside of the movie (behind the scenes).
This post is related to the movie Ill Manors as it has the same sort of target audience which are roughly teenagers. Ill Manors, in this post, are trying to gather younger audiences that are interested in making a movie and are inviting them to a BFI Film Academy which will give them the opportunity to do things related to making a movie.

Ill Manors Twitter feed
- One of the main ways that the Ill Manors Twitter feed uses the Ill Manors brand, is putting setting up the Twitter display picture as the same picture that was used in every single poster and DVD cover; The Ill Manors print which has been written in a way that looks like a block of flats. This is a sort of promotion to the other sorts of advertisement out for Ill Manors.
- The different hashtags that I had noticed were '#megamondays' which was a way of promoting the release date for the DVD and blu-ray release of the film and also, the Twitter feed started to retweet their fans posts, e.g, '#ravearama' which is what a typical teenager would be normally doing (raving or partying).
- Three celebrities that I have seen on the Ill Manors twitter page are: Ed Sheeran, Riz Ahmed and Ed Skrein - Two of them being actual actors in the movie but yet, very popular celebrities. They all help appeal to the target audience of the movie Ill Manors as the fans of all these celebrities are extremely young people, which is who the movie is linked to. Ed Sheeran is a popular and successful song-writer just like Plan B and both have similar types of fans and the link between these two song-writers are the same.
- Ill Manors twitter feed has used pictures of the Blu-ray and DVD covers and also told their followers when the movie will be released and where they can buy it from. Also, they have used other pictures for example fans holding the DVD covers and this can be shown to the fans friends and therefore can lead to them buying a copy of this movie too.
- The three tweets that I had fans are the following:
- Simple Word ... LIFE!!! #TAGLONDON
- They've fixed the shop windows... #TAGLONDON
- I know that they can't knock me down ... #TAGLONDON
Ill Manors on Instagram
These two Instagram posts help promote Ill Manors through awareness from other people. Every time someone posts something onto Instagram, whoever follows that particular person will be able to see that post, this therefore brings awareness as more people will see the post and depending on if the person, who uploaded it, said something good about the movie, their friends would want to watch it and buy a DVD copy for themselves. This means the Ill Manors franchise will have more audience and fans via their friends.
- The main way in which Ill Manors was promoted on Instagram was through the different hashtags that were used related to Ill Manors. This then created a huge trend which got around to many other people who also used the hashtags and caught awareness from many different people.
YouTube - planbuk channel
- On Plan B's YouTube channel, he would promote the film by having a separate folder in the 'playlists' section with the name Ill Manors. These different songs on the Ill Manors playlist have been used in the actual movie. Some of the songs, e.g, Playing With Fire, has another famous artist by the name of 'Labrinth'. Labrinth has an extremely large target audience and this will make more people aware because he may have uploaded this song onto his YouTube channel and then could've given hints to how this song will in the movie 'Ill Manors'.
- The banner of his YouTube channel has very similar concepts compared to the DVD cover and billboards of the actual movie. One of them being the ratings. On both the advertisements and the banner, they both have either a movie rating or album rating and these ratings have been given by the same company (Independent and Metro).
- The other links that I have found on the YouTube channel is Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter and also his website. These are all different social media sites that are showing who the actual presenter is and what he does and what he may be currently doing at the moment.
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