- A movie about four protagonists that have finished high school and have taken a trip to Spain mainly to have 'fun'.
- Budget - £3,500,000
- Release date - 17 August 2011
- Genre - Comedy
- Production company - Film4, Young Films...
- Filmed in England, Spain and also Greece.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Mr Halsey ill - cover work Monday 14 March
The Inbetweeners Movie (2011)
Friday, 11 March 2016
MEST1 Section B: index
1) The British film industry: Media Factsheet questions
2) Institutional context of the British film industry: Factsheet questions
3) Ill Manors: film review
4) Ill Manors: trailer analysis
5) Ill Manors: music video
6) Ill Manors: TEDx lecture
7) Ill Manors: broadcast platform concluded
8) Ill Manors: print platform (newspaper interviews)
9) Ill Manors: print branding
10) Ill Manors: e-media Tag London campaign
11) Ill Manors: e-media social networking research
12) Ill Manors: official website analysis
13) A Field In England: reading, research and questions
14) Ill Manors & A Field In England: institution research
2) Institutional context of the British film industry: Factsheet questions
3) Ill Manors: film review
4) Ill Manors: trailer analysis
5) Ill Manors: music video
6) Ill Manors: TEDx lecture
7) Ill Manors: broadcast platform concluded
8) Ill Manors: print platform (newspaper interviews)
9) Ill Manors: print branding
10) Ill Manors: e-media Tag London campaign
11) Ill Manors: e-media social networking research
12) Ill Manors: official website analysis
13) A Field In England: reading, research and questions
14) Ill Manors & A Field In England: institution research
A Field In England: the appeal of arthouse film
1. What are some of the suggested audience pleasures for arthouse film?
Most of the people that watch arthouse movies normally watch it because they enjoy the artistic side to the movies rather than the commercial side in characters; They tend to find it more original and unique and is why some of the audience enjoy arthouse movies more than normal 'Blockbuster' movies.
2. Why do some audiences struggle with arthouse film? Refer to some media theory here (there are some important media theories discussed in the article itself).
One of the main reasons why some people may not be able to understand the arthouse movies is mainly because of the language; A lot of the arthouse movies are foreign and therefore would need subtitles to understand it and still, some people would say that it is still difficult to comprehend.
3. To what extent is arthouse film only for the middle classes and older audiences? Why might this be the case?
The older audience enjoy watching movies that are 'educating' and 'intelligent' because this is related to the artistic side of arthouse movies. (complete...)
4. What type of audience would A Field In England appeal to?
The Target audience for A Field In England would be for an elder group of people and in the demographic groups of A, B, and C1 because this film is based on the civil war which had took place many years ago and it would be more appealing to the elder generation.
Most of the people that watch arthouse movies normally watch it because they enjoy the artistic side to the movies rather than the commercial side in characters; They tend to find it more original and unique and is why some of the audience enjoy arthouse movies more than normal 'Blockbuster' movies.
2. Why do some audiences struggle with arthouse film? Refer to some media theory here (there are some important media theories discussed in the article itself).
One of the main reasons why some people may not be able to understand the arthouse movies is mainly because of the language; A lot of the arthouse movies are foreign and therefore would need subtitles to understand it and still, some people would say that it is still difficult to comprehend.
3. To what extent is arthouse film only for the middle classes and older audiences? Why might this be the case?
The older audience enjoy watching movies that are 'educating' and 'intelligent' because this is related to the artistic side of arthouse movies. (complete...)
4. What type of audience would A Field In England appeal to?
The Target audience for A Field In England would be for an elder group of people and in the demographic groups of A, B, and C1 because this film is based on the civil war which had took place many years ago and it would be more appealing to the elder generation.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Ill Manors: e-media off-site research
Ill Manors Facebook page
- The Facebook page of Ill Manors has 29,879 likes.
- At the top of the Facebook page, it is promoting the different ways that fans/customers can get access to watching Ill Manors (Blu-ray, DVD and On Demand).
- On of the ways that I have found out that the institution helps promote the movie on the Facebook page is by giving these little hints of using the different actors in the movie of how the actors may appear in the movie etc. Also, the Facebook pages allows the audience to go onto exclusive links which makes it more interesting for the audience as they get to know a little bit more about the inside of the movie (behind the scenes).
This post is related to the movie Ill Manors as it has the same sort of target audience which are roughly teenagers. Ill Manors, in this post, are trying to gather younger audiences that are interested in making a movie and are inviting them to a BFI Film Academy which will give them the opportunity to do things related to making a movie.

Ill Manors Twitter feed
- One of the main ways that the Ill Manors Twitter feed uses the Ill Manors brand, is putting setting up the Twitter display picture as the same picture that was used in every single poster and DVD cover; The Ill Manors print which has been written in a way that looks like a block of flats. This is a sort of promotion to the other sorts of advertisement out for Ill Manors.
- The different hashtags that I had noticed were '#megamondays' which was a way of promoting the release date for the DVD and blu-ray release of the film and also, the Twitter feed started to retweet their fans posts, e.g, '#ravearama' which is what a typical teenager would be normally doing (raving or partying).
- Three celebrities that I have seen on the Ill Manors twitter page are: Ed Sheeran, Riz Ahmed and Ed Skrein - Two of them being actual actors in the movie but yet, very popular celebrities. They all help appeal to the target audience of the movie Ill Manors as the fans of all these celebrities are extremely young people, which is who the movie is linked to. Ed Sheeran is a popular and successful song-writer just like Plan B and both have similar types of fans and the link between these two song-writers are the same.
- Ill Manors twitter feed has used pictures of the Blu-ray and DVD covers and also told their followers when the movie will be released and where they can buy it from. Also, they have used other pictures for example fans holding the DVD covers and this can be shown to the fans friends and therefore can lead to them buying a copy of this movie too.
- The three tweets that I had fans are the following:
- Simple Word ... LIFE!!! #TAGLONDON
- They've fixed the shop windows... #TAGLONDON
- I know that they can't knock me down ... #TAGLONDON
Ill Manors on Instagram
These two Instagram posts help promote Ill Manors through awareness from other people. Every time someone posts something onto Instagram, whoever follows that particular person will be able to see that post, this therefore brings awareness as more people will see the post and depending on if the person, who uploaded it, said something good about the movie, their friends would want to watch it and buy a DVD copy for themselves. This means the Ill Manors franchise will have more audience and fans via their friends.
- The main way in which Ill Manors was promoted on Instagram was through the different hashtags that were used related to Ill Manors. This then created a huge trend which got around to many other people who also used the hashtags and caught awareness from many different people.
YouTube - planbuk channel
- On Plan B's YouTube channel, he would promote the film by having a separate folder in the 'playlists' section with the name Ill Manors. These different songs on the Ill Manors playlist have been used in the actual movie. Some of the songs, e.g, Playing With Fire, has another famous artist by the name of 'Labrinth'. Labrinth has an extremely large target audience and this will make more people aware because he may have uploaded this song onto his YouTube channel and then could've given hints to how this song will in the movie 'Ill Manors'.
- The banner of his YouTube channel has very similar concepts compared to the DVD cover and billboards of the actual movie. One of them being the ratings. On both the advertisements and the banner, they both have either a movie rating or album rating and these ratings have been given by the same company (Independent and Metro).
- The other links that I have found on the YouTube channel is Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter and also his website. These are all different social media sites that are showing who the actual presenter is and what he does and what he may be currently doing at the moment.
MEST1 Section B: A Field In England
- A Field In England is different to typical film releases as this particular movie wasn't just released in cinema. Along with it being released in cinema, on the same night, it was also released on DVD, Channel 4, VoD and other sorts of platforms. This is different because with an ordinary movie, the movie will be released in cinema and then onto other platforms in a couple of months but this movie did it straight away.
- Despite this technique being very original and abnormal, there were a few different advantages towards it. One of them being that more audience will be able to have access to it as the movie will be advertised on multiple different platforms and therefore, this leads to more of a wider audience being aware of noticing this movie and this will then lead to more people watching it. The advantage of more people watching it would mean that the movie itself will be making it's budget profits back very quickly due to this type of advertisement.
- Despite there being quite a lot of advantages, the main advantage to this could be the lack of people that will go to watch it to the cinema. With movies, most of the money the movie makes comes from the audience that go to watch in the cinema. However, since they had released it onto Channel 4, which is free, means that less audience will go to watch it at the cinema as they would prefer to watch it at home since the movie is free.
- The target audience that I have set for this particular movie would be aimed at more students than anyone else as this may give an inside to some history as this movie is linked to the civil war. Also, the demographic group that this target audience would be in would be either A or B and maybe C1, as some of them may be skilled and like to know a little bit more about the history in England.
- In my opinion, I believe that some directors and producers will try this out this idea but may not be very successful for the directors as there could be a high possibility that they may not make as money back as if they were to release the movie on different days.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
MEST1 Section B: Institution research
Ill Manors: Funding and production budget
- The estimated budget for Ill Manors was roughly around £100,000.
- Most of the money for Ill Manors had came from his own pocket and the Film London Microwave scheme.
- Apart from both Ill Manors and Skyfall being classed as British movies, there were many different aspects between both movies. One of them being the budget - Ill Manors budget was around £100,00 where as Skyfall had a budget of $200 million which is 2000 more than Ill Manors. Also, another difference was the actors used in each movie; In Skyfall, the director used more professional actors that had performed in other 'big hit' movies where as Ill Manors, used unprofessional actors from the areas and had no experience in acting before.
A Field In England: Funding and production budget
- The estimated budget for a Field in England was roughly around £300,00.
- Why did A Field In England manage to secure a higher budget than Ill Manors? If you're comparing A field in England to Ill Manors, Ben Drew had to get his funding from either Film London or even his own pocket. However, Ben Wheatley had the advantage by having the helping hand from Film 4 which is a bigger British institution compared to Film London.
- Film 4 and Rook Films.
Film London and Microwave Film
- Film London is a film and media agency, which is a promotion for London as a major international film-making and film cultural capital.
- Microwave film is where the London film association gives help and support to people who are trying to create their own projects but can't fund for them etc.
- One film that was funded by Microwave Film is a film by the name of Shifty. This is very similar to Ill Manors as it uses the same actor in both movies, Riz Ahmed. Also, another similarity is that the movie has got a similar concept towards it - drugs, police and violence.
Vertigo Films and Warp Films
Certification: BBFC
- The most successful films that they have been involved in is : Monsters and Streetdance 3D.
- What different film genres has Vertigo Films worked with? Vertigo Films have worked with: Comedy, Thriller, Romance etc.
- Warp film is an independent film production that is based in Sheffield, London and also in Australia.
- The most successful films produced by Warp Films are: '71, Southcliffe, My Wrongs #8245-8249 & 117.
- The way in which Warp Films have helped develop new talent is by looking at beginners films and give them their support and advice.
- A film that is similiar to Ill Manors that has been produced by these procuction companies would be '71. This is because of the British based violence between each other and how it is also related to crime.
Certification: BBFC
- "General context - plot, characters, outline of individual scenes", "Timings of key moments, including camera angles, type of shots, on- and off-screen moments", "bad language, sex and drug references and so on"
- The following two pictures are the rules of an 15 and 18 rated movie:
- Ill Manors was given an 18 rating because of the different sexual activities, behaviour and strong violence that was used. Also, a lot of blood and a consistency of swear words were used which made the rating of the movie even more of an 18 rating.
- A Field in England was given a 15 certificate and this reason for this is because on the actual BBFC wesbite, it said "Contains strong language, once very strong, strong violence and gory images".
Monday, 7 March 2016
Ill Manors e-media: website analysis
- One of the main examples that I found from the website homepage of the Ill Manors brand is the way the movie title name was displayed. Comparing it to the Ill Manors DVD cover, the title was written in a block of flats and so is the title that is displayed on the left hand side of the website. Also, behind the characters on the right, you can notice that there is the film poster which has been curved out.
- The target audience for the actual film is between 15-29. This website appeals to the target audience as there are many different things that relate to a younger audience. One of the things that may encourage them are the actors on the right. Some of the actors may be role models to the fans and they may want to be like them and become famous. Also, the graffiti emphasises the gang violence.
- Plan B's website is very familiar to a social media because he can post whatever he wants and also has links of other different social media sites in his website, e.g. Facebook or Instagram.
- The 'statement on Ill Manors' post is highly linked to the Ill Manors music video text as both of these texts have some how linked what they're saying to the London riots. In the music video, they use some footages from the London riots and in the post on his website uses a picture of policemen in the London riots and also the government.
Ill Manors e-media: Tag London campaign
- The Ill Manors Tag London campaign is about fans and different people who are wanting to challenge the government and in particular, David Cameron. In order to do this, they had started a campaign where people who follow Plan B on Twitter would write their own hashtags which then would be projected onto different landmarks of London, e.g. the National History Gallery. This is almost a post effect on the London Riots that happened in 2011 and these fans are wanting to get their opinions out to everyone who are no against the youth community.
- This campaign helps promote the film due to the fact that most of the campaign was done through 'e-media'. One example of this is Twitter. Fans of either Plan B or some of Plan B's friends would have 're tweeted' the posts that they made if there was any links to the movie he was making. This would've targeted a larger audience as it would have got through to people who had followed the fan of Plan B and whether or not they had retweeted it.
- The main link that I have found with Tag London was the music video, 'Ill Manors'. I think that these two have a synergy as simply because of the fact that in the Tag London video, they used parts from the 'Ill Manors' video. Therefore, this is telling the audience that they both have the same meaning which is getting their words towards the government. Also, Tag London had projected different tweets in a 'graffiti' format onto different landmarks of London. Graffiti is also linked to gangs stating who they are and the link between this and the music video is gang violence and their messages to all the different politicians etc.
- One of the reasons why these types of campaigns are better than the ordinary and typical campaigns is simply due to the cost and everyone is entitled to their opinions.
- Following Tweets:
- Young males aged between 15-24. This is linked to the movie itself as it uses loads of young and unprofessional actors which I think will relate to many other people. I believe that this tweet was sent out by a young character because of the slang that he used. 'Sick' which is what a typical young boy would use in their sentences.
- Older females aged between 25-35.
- Older males aged between 30-45.
- The target audience for this specific hashtag would be between the ages of 18-30. This is related to the London riots as it the user was talking about the government which is one of the reasons why the London riots had happened. I would link this tweet to the music video as it shows parts of the riots and angry gang members. The reason why I said 'angry' is simply because of the way the hashtag was written. The member uses the slang phrase 'pfft' which emphasises that he's angry.
- Younger males aged between 16-28.
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