As you can see, this advert has been divided into two sections. One with 50 Cent's face and the other with a bunch of fingerprints and a quote by 50 Cent. The whole advert has been taken in
black and white. In the bottom right, is the Reebok logo and above that is a quote. This quote is saying something like you should live life as it goes on, which is almost relating to 50 Cent; he is a rapper and there might have been a possibility that he may not have known that he was going to become a rapper, so he just lived life as it went on. There is also more writing shown in the middle "I am what I am'
which goes from the middle of the picture of 50 Cent all the way through the other photo with fingerprints on it. The photo with the fingerprints on it could suggests that it has something to do with 50 Cent's past; he could've gone to prison which shows that the quote can also mean that you shouldn't do what's wrong, do what's right. Going back to the photo of 50 Cent, there are quite a lot of shadows; the lighting has only been shun onto his face and it's also
a close up shot. Another thing is that, he gives this serious look about himself, which could suggest that you should take that quote on the right seriously. Both photos
also look equal in size but one is more detailed than the other. I believe the target audience for this advert would be from
15-25 years of age because this is a sports advert and it would attract younger people since they are more into sports.
I believe everything said above is the dominant and preferred reading. However, I think that the opposition reading is that gang violence. This is because of how serious 50 Cent is looking and all the fingerprints. The serious face of his could suggest that he is quite violent and the fingerprints could mean that people could've got into a lot of crimes which is why the have those fingerprints which were taken in the police station. Another way this could suggest gang violence is because the brand of this advertisement is reebok and it's a sports brand. This means that a lot of gangs intend to wear sports clothes, so this is why I believe this.
This is an image on two girls in a library. One holding a gun and one holding a book called 'Little Red Riding Hood'. Above the two girls shows some piece of text which has also been
centred. The
lighting of the background is very dull because the advert is wanting the girls to stand out more than the background itself. However, the
colour clothes that the two little girls are wearing, are not that bright as well. This
connotes that it is a very serious advert since it is comparing how the book has been banned in schools but for some reason, little kids are still able to hold guns. The main
comparison they're trying to make is whether a bottle of wine is more dangerous than a gun. The girl on the left has a very sympathetic face whereas the girl holding the gun has a very serious face to show that she could be very aggressive (
facial expression).
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