Sunday, 8 May 2016

MEST1 Mock exam: learner reponse

1)  Feedback
  • Fatal Error : you missed the key word in the question : narrative. In fact, you didn't mention it once
  • Some basic errors you need to cut out : e.g. describing the Tag London campaign incorrectly
  • Must answer the Question!
2) In this mock, I didn't exceed my target grade; I was 14 marks away from it. I believe that if I had made my points clearer in my section A and answered the question properly in section B, then I would've got a grade higher than my target grade.

3) Throughout the whole of this essay, I believe that I made some of these points from the mark scheme. However, the problem that I had made and for this reason, not getting a good grade is that I didn't either explain the point well enough or I didn't explain it at all and didn't make it clear for it to be marked.

4) In my opinion, I believe that I didn't have a strong question that I had answered that well but if I did have to pick a question, it would be question 2. This is because of the fact that I had made a good point and was thinking a little bit more outside of the box but still believe that I could've explained it a bit more to get more marks.

5) My weakest questions were Question 1, 3 and 4 because i either didn't write enough or I just didn't understand the question properly even though I had strong topic sentences. In my opinion, I should e referred everything to the question a bit more and link my evidence more to the topic sentences that I had wrote down.

6) Question 3

The trailer itself appeals to the male audience through attractive women. This trailer had a cameo appearance of a well-known actor, Megan Fox. The male audience find this appealing due to the fact that is a lady and this is what most males, commonly find this appealing and exciting. This is linked to Mulvey's 'male gaze' theory. The male gaze theory is about how male identify women as an object due to their physical appearance; this is why the quote "Men act and Women appear" was brought to the public. However, in this trailer, the female was almost acting like a male; the male is meant to protect a women but in this case, the female protected the male and saved his life. Therefore, this is appealing to the male audience because Megan Fox was acting like a male and made her look powerful and she is also attractive which is why I believe that this made the male audience want to watch the trailer.

Another way in which the male audience found the trailer appealing was through the use of cars and interaction with 'action'. Men are really attracted to cars and enjoy a lot of action, especially with movies and video games. This is why they would find this appealing. When men think of action, the first few things that may come to their mind are guns, fighting and cars. This is linked to Richard Dyer' theory about stereotype and power. The stereotype being that they are obsessed with action and cars and this is leading to the male having power. This is known as 'personal identity' from uses and gratifications. Since the male audience may have this obsession about guns and action games makes this trailer appealing because of the different action shown, e.g. gun fire and cars been driven fast which is what a typical male would do which is known as personal identity; the male audience would see themselves doing what has been shown in the trailer.

7) In section B, I had completed the task where we had to talk about all different media platforms and the different films. However, the question was telling me to talk about narrative but  I had never used that word in any of my paragraphs which is one of the key reason why I didn't get a higher mark. Even with some of the platforms that I talked about, still didn't answer the question as I didn't make any links to narrative.

8) In my opinion, I believe that I had used most of the key words from the question apart from the word 'narrative'. Since this was the main key word in the question and I didn't use it one, simply meant that I wasn't going to get a top grade in the Section and this is why I believe that next time, I should annotate and view every key word from the question for improvements.

9) For question 1, I think that my problem was that I talked about camera movements but didn't explain how it was exciting to play the game. Another thing was that I only wrote three paragraphs and needed to write another; if I did, then it would've been about the slow motion editing which is written in the examiner reports and therefore meant that I wouldn't have been rewarded with any extra marks.

With question 2, my problem was that with one of the paragraphs I didn't focus on the question and linking it to the examiners report, they wrote that the main problem was that people struggled the most with this question. However, I believe that I gained good marks with one of the paragraphs because I linked a scene from the trailer to something that wasn't in the mark scheme and still got awarded.

Question 3 and 4, I think that I had the same problem. I wasn't answering the qurstion and this is why I couldn't get out of band 2. I gave some incorrect theory and didn't go in depth with a lot of my paragraphs which is why I think I didn't gain a lot of marks. In the examiners report, it said that the students engaged with this question but I don't really think that this had applied to me simply because I didn't answer the question well enough.

Personally, from looking at the examiners report for section B, I believe that my response fitted the weaker side of it because it talked about how people were able to give a lot about narrative theories however, I didn't talk once about narrative and which is why I didn't get more than half in that section.